Friday, July 4, 2014

Getting shape

Hey folks!

Managed to get something done from all the other projects. I've been making an Arduino project to control my curtains remotely but there has been some technical difficulties. The control itself works well but the mechanisms need a bit work. Enough of that, time to show you some progress.

As you can see, all the windows are in place and so is pretty much the whole side profile. Also I found a couple useful tricks to make the surfaces smooth with more ease. I used iray-renderer with a constant hitting of Shift+Q (make render-shortcut). This combined with the Push/Pull and Relax -brushes actually made it much faster to get even, smooth curves to the body panels and windows.

I didn't model the rear light -area just yet. I think I'll get to it once everything else is modelled and it's time to chamfer the edges between surfaces. As you can see below, all the edges are now just made with different smoothing groups.

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